March 11, 2025

About Us

Who is Local 99?

The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Local Lodge 99

Otherwise known as “IAM Local 99”,  representing workers at:

Kal-Tire (Fort McMurray)
Leavitt Machinery

What we do?

As a Union; we represent workers and negotiate contracts on behalf of those members. We work towards better wages, benefits, working conditions, guaranteed hours of work, proper pay, pensions, and ensuring workers rights are maintained according to labour standards.


In the Province of Alberta and the Northwest Territories.


Representing and upholding workers rights are key fundamentals in the IAMAW. It is our responsibility that these Foundations are held to the highest standard.


By acting as a collective group, continuously educating ourselves, and utilizing years of experience!

Interested in joining?

The IAMAW is always looking to welcome new members from any profession.

Individuals should feel free to contact us through the information below:

#107, 10471 – 178 Street NW
Edmonton, AB. T5S-1R5
Phone: (780) 414-1499
Toll Free: 1-866-799-7799
Fax: (780) 483-1606

Or email the President of the Local by clicking here!