To all Local 99 members working at Finning:
RE: Grievances F20-012 and F20-013 – Covid-19 Isolation Requirements
On April 22, 2020 Business Representative Jim Patterson published a letter to all affected members who may have suffered a monetary loss due to self isolation or mandated isolation for exposure to Covid 19. You were instructed with providing the following:
We Will Need
- Full name and facility you work at
- Dates of missed work and why
- Who you talked to and when did you talk to them? This would include 811 calls, doctors, and management. If there were any other individuals or corporations, you feel will help support your case please include those dates
- All relevant history to your claim
- What steps were taken by yourself leading up to your isolation? For example, you took your sick days, applied for S.T.D but denied, applied for Federal assistance.
To date no information from any member has been supplied to the union office. These grievances were adjudicated by the District Grievance Committee on April 19th, with instructions by the committee to reach out to the membership one more time and give thirty (30) day timeline notice to get information in by May 27th.
If no new information is provided by May 27th, these matters will be withdrawn. Please send your information to