March 11, 2025

2024 Local Lodge 99 Membership Meeting Dates

Local Lodge 99 Executive has committed to traveling beyond Edmonton to get face to face with the members in 2024. To do so we will be holding a membership meeting in different locations throughout the year.  As per Local 99 Bylaws, membership meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of every month. We will do our best to update as we move through the year.

  • April 10, Edmonton, Membership Meeting @ The Double Tree by Hilton 5:00pm
  • April 11, Edmonton, CSS Meeting @ The Double Tree by Hilton 8:00am
  • May 8, Calgary, Membership Meeting @ The Clique Hotel and Suites Time 5:00pm
  • June 12, Edmonton, Membership Meeting @ The Double Tree by Hilton 5:00pm
  • Sept 11, Grand Prairie, Membership Meeting, location and time TBD
  • Oct 9, Edmonton, Membership Meeting @ The Double Tree by Hilton 5:00pm
  • Oct 10, Edmonton, CSS Meeting @ The Double Tree by Hilton 8:00am
  • Nov 13, Red Deer, Membership Meeting, location and time TBD
  • Dec 11, Edmonton, Membership Meeting @ The Double Tree by Hilton 5:00pm

Reminder: 20 members must attend “in person” to qualify for quorum.

It’s understandable that some members won’t be able to attend due to personal or work-related reasons however, we are trying to ensure all members have an opportunity throughout the year to attend with our 2024 schedule. To accommodate all our membership, we will be maintaining a Zoom option. Members looking to attend virtually can click here or use the QR code below:

  1. Members should not be using company devices to attend meetings virtually.
  2. Members will be asked to share their video and for their full name when accessing the meeting. Due to the open format of Zoom please be advised that people will be refused access if they do not share their information.
  3. To ensure everyone has an opportunity to speak and be heard please keep your microphones muted.
  4. Members can download Zoom onto their device for free here:

This page may be updated periodically as we get closer to the meeting dates!