March 11, 2025

Since ratification there has been quite a few communications from Finning’s Labour Relations team and their interpretation of the CBA. It’s clear that Labour Relations is trying to supersede one article over another or trying to bend the CBA in order to support their interpretation and ignore what was discussed during bargaining. Finning’s Labour Relations team has become combative, unreliable and willing to neglect the history behind our Collective Agreement that supports our membership.

Extremely disappointing to say the least!

Your Bargaining Committee is in continuous discussions trying to work with Labour relations to clarify several items:

  • TCRS standby pay/signed TA with changes ($150/week vs $5.00/hr)
  • Overtime averaging: Full stat credit for stat holiday on shift when the company does not let members work.
  • Overtime averaging: Starting on next shift after ratification not Oct 9th as communicated.
  • Approved travel time, bereavement, jury duty, injury pay counting towards the 160hr calculation
  • Double Time for overtime on Saturdays including 0.5ot after ratification for all members. Not just those on 8 or 10 hour shifts.
  • Honouring accommodation language already in the CBA

All of these items are being expedited to arbitration and will be dealt with as soon as possible!