March 11, 2025

2022 Ratification Vote
We have a final vote of 74.3% in favour of the new 3 year Collective Bargaining
Agreement. The Bargaining Committee would like to thank all those that
attended the meetings, requested absentee ballots and took the opportunity to
This was our first time attempting to perform online voting and there were
issues. Our sincerest apologies to those who may have been affected and we all
hope that in the future these types of online formats will become streamlined
and efficient.
With the voting process at an end we will now be investing time in merging the
new memorandum with our previous C.B.A. and getting the new agreement
printed and uploaded to the website ( . If Chief Shop
Stewards or Shop Stewards have questions concerning the new contract they
are encouraged to reach out to Business Representative Kevin Clark.