March 12, 2025

To attend this Zoom meeting members MUST send an email with their full name to:

1. LL99 executive would like to inform members that they should not use company devices to attend.
2. Members will be asked for their full name when accessing the meeting. Due to the open format of Zoom please be advised that people will be refused access if they do not share their information.
3. To ensure everyone has an opportunity to speak and be heard please keep your microphones muted.
4. Members can download Zoom onto their devise for free here:

 Members should attend if they want to voice their concerns and let your executive what’s been happening in your area.

LL99 Executive would also like to remind all members that membership meetings are scheduled for the second Wednesday of every month excluding July and August. With so much going on in our Local members are encouraged to attend.

To conduct any business Local 99 will need a quorum of 20 members or more.